Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dip 1/09 on Action!!

For us Dip 1/09, semester 2 started not long ago. And this time, we were given lots more of on-hand actions rather than the usual *ahem* yadaing...

The first workable lesson we had was...housekeeping!

Oh by the way, the guys would like to tell those who think that housekeeping are only done by kakaks and mak ciks...

Well, you thought wrong.

...modern guys DO clean too! XD

How to make/decorate/fluff a bed...

And pretty girl to make the toilet prettier~

The final result!!

*drum rolls*
*clashing bass*
* more drum rolls*


Ultra tidy room with fluffy bed to match!! Wee~~ Don't you feel like jumping on it???

Moving along~~~~~

We have a new subject in this sem: the Kitchen Class!

The kitchen is also the place where we got our hands dirty with...


...THE FISH...

...ahhh, I rather play safe. Hehe~

This was our second Kitchen lesson where we were required to make four types of stocks: White chicken stock, fish stock, vegetable stock and sugar syrup.
It is a very good experience, especially for the first timers who never had the chance to cook before.

Giving the kitchen a wipe down before class begins.

Bobo helping the class out on preparing the mise-en-place. Thanks Bobo, you were a big help! :)

Kylie proves that not all princesses are afraid of dead chickens~

Daniel will smile no matter what job he has been assigned to.


Boss Chef of the day, Canasder, taking on a serious look on freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Now you know why Bensen is also known as 'The Silent Killer'...

Benji in his 'good boy' disguise.

Nope, I don't think Jimmy is wearing eyeliner...

No offence~:)

Vegetable Stock people unite!! They do virtually everything together~

The Princess had roared...

Skimming the scum from the white chicken stock.

Last but not the least.... Our kitchen lecturer, Chef Collin!
Demonstrating to us how to clean a chicken properly.

...he who also taught us that food can be sensuous.

*woof whistle!*

And that is all for now! Next up will be about Talent Quest done by KTE team last Friday... Till then, this is Joye~


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